Friday, August 31, 2012

Cover Up Exposed

My name is Aaron Fleszar and if you're anything like me you probably believed the stories and imagery sold to us by our government over the last decade regarding Al-Qaeda. We've all seen the news stories and footage of people who don't like America, live in the Middle East, and train by swinging on monkey bars. I don't doubt we have enemies in the Middle East, but who came up with the label of Al-Qaeda?

What you're about to learn is that
1. Al-Qaeda appears to be the name of an organization trying to destroy Capitalism
2. The World Trade Center attacks on 9/11 appear to symbolize attacks against Capitalism
3. The name Osama Bin Laden appears to be a riddle to elect the leaders of the New World Order
FBI Wanted for financing Al-Qaeda Noordin M Top

Internet Marketer Armand Morin
There's a massive organization of people online claiming to be marketing experts who have tens of thousands of websites spamming work at home money making opportunities positioned to make billions through the destruction of the US economy. It also appears that they're behind all of the "buy Gold" hype on TV. By no means is anyone pictured here guilty of anything, they simply make up part of code whether or not they have knowledge of it.

Dallas Maverick's Basketball owner Mark Cuban

Cuban disguised as The Rich Jerk with a Castro like nose
Billionaire Mark Cuban can be seen appearing in Video on Youtube as "the Rich Jerk." The Rich Jerk website was one of the most popular opportunity sites online for years. The Rich Jerk site, like hundreds of others, also appears to serve as product placement for new web based products and technologies.

Tony Rezko

Youtube video's "Robert Johnson" Rich Jerk
Tony Rezko is a Syrian immigrant/Arab businessman. Known for being a political fundraiser and real estate developer in Chicago, in 2008 he was convicted of fraud and bribery. After the initial Rich Jerk videos hit Youtube he popped up months later with a bad hairpiece and novelty teeth claiming to be Rich Jerk Robert Johnson. Interesting note about Rezko, he has a civil engineering degree from the late 1970's, so did Osama Bin Laden.

FBI Wanted Saif al-Adel

The "Godfather"of Internet Marketing Mark Joyner
The first testimonial on The Rich Jerk website was from Mark Joyner. He is referred to as the Godfather of internet marketing. His testimonial has been removed from the Rich Jerk site. Mark Joyner also appears on an internet show called The Next Internet Millionaire which closely copies Trump's show The Apprentice.

FBI Wanted Abdul Rahman Yassan

Internet Marketing Expert Ted Cuiba

FBI Wanted Fazul Mohammed

Internet Marketing Expert Willie Crawford

FBI Wanted Umar Patek

Internet Marketing Expert Yaro Starak

FBI Wanted Ahmed Garbaya

Internet Marketing Copywriter Carl Galletti

FBI Wanted Ali Sayyad Muhamed Mustafa Al-Bakri

Internet Marketer Michael Filsaime

FBI Wanted Ammar Mansour Bouslim

EzineArticles Dr.Manisivasubramanian

FBI Wanted Ramadan Shallah

John Ferrero with Lorrie Morgan Ferrero
"Lorrie" pictured here claims to be a copywriter for "Red Hot Copy." Unlike the marketing experts there are also hundreds of people appearing in testimonials on get rich quick schemes claiming to be high priced copywriters that never give examples of anything they've written.

Red Hot Copy is a play on words for COMMUNISM and for a code of look alikes.

Red Hot Copy's Lorrie Morgan Ferrero with Stephen Pierce

Noordin M Top or "Armand" with Lorrie Ferrero
This organization also puts on $1000 seminars. If you search Google images you will notice that Stephen Pierce appears to be the look alike for Van Jones the "Green Jobs Czar." At Lorrie Morgan Ferrero's copywriting sites you'll also find family members of 72 Virgin Records entrepreneur Richard Branson.

Osama's right hand man Al-Zawahiri

Copywriter Jay Abraham
Jill Biden the wife of Vice President Joe Biden

Rosalind Gardner author of The Super Affiliate Handbook

Ex-WH Chairman Austan Goolsbee

Internet Marketer Brett McFall

Ex-WH Council Christina Romer

Copywriter Lisa Diane
CEO of DuPont Ellen Kullman

Copywriter or realtor Cathy Goodwin
Speaker Trainer John Childers with Ferrero

SEIU Former Union President Andy Stern
Copywriter at Red Hot Copy Mari Smith

Former HP CEO Carly Fiorina

Internet Business Coach Terry Dean

Dell CEO Michael Dell

Internet Marketer Tom Beal

CEO of Time Warner Jeffrey Bewkes
Hundreds of these opportunity sites display media logos claiming their sites were mentioned and in the legal statements it will often state that even though the network has never mentioned their site, they have mentioned the internet. So how do they get away with using all of these logos? It appears the mainstream media makes up this secret organization.

Currency Trader Billionaire George Soros

Guerrilla Marketer Jay Conrad Levinson
Jay Conrad Levinson claims to be part of this group and one of the "shadow marketers." His product is called Guerrilla Marketing. Does Guerrilla Marketing actually refer to guerrilla warfare? Does shadow marketing refer to a shadow government? It's interesting considering these "shadow marketers" all appear at something called the GURUDAQ where several aliases are similar to names of elected officials.
Ex-President Jimmy Carter

Real Estate Guru Carleton Sheets
How-to-products have sold for decades not only online, but also through late night informercials.

Internet Million Dollars Professor James Bradley

Professor and Pentagon Bomber Bill Ayers

Obama on the Oprah Winfrey's talk show

Oprah with friend Gayle King
Obama Oprah
Oprah Gail Winfrey with longtime friend Gayle King.

Singer Whitney Houston

Gayle King

Whit_ney Hous_ton-WHITe HOUSe
Oprah Gail Win Free

We have the largest economy in the world which also gives us one of the largest governments. In every division of government there is a chain of command and various levels of security clearance. This means often the people in the field don't know who is making which decisions above them.

It appears to me that Osama Bin Laden was created by the US government for 2 reasons:

1. to analyze chatter from our enemies. Essentially, creating a leader and a face to an anti-American movement. By putting this guy on TV once or twice a year it would generate chatter from those under surveillance. The government would be able to create talking points for our enemies. Think about it; why would the government allow the media to run videos of Osama if they didn't have something to gain from doing so?

2. the name also appears to be a riddle to elect Obama Osama and Bi-den BI nla DEN as the leaders for the New World Order. (Big business's overthrow of our nation)

Whether the people above are the most wanted or simply look alikes for the most wanted it's interesting that what they're wanted for are mainly US Embassy bombings in Kenya and Indonesia. Obama has a history with both places. If you took a photo of Osama, and removed the beard, he could serve as a look alike for Obama.

The story about Obama catching Osama appears to be a diversion from the birth certificate which was released 3 days prior to this event. I'm not sure if he has a real birth certificate, but whatever was shown to the public was a bad forgery to say the least.

Most of us still have questions about the events of 9/11. Few people buy the official report. Physics experts testified as to how jet fuel could melt metal and collapse buildings one of which that was never even hit with a plane. Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't jet engines made of metal? The question no one ever seems to ask is who benefited? Who benefited from rising oil prices and defense contracts? Who's shareholders benefited? Who received government contracts? Which congressional districts benefited? And if the police respond to bank robberies in 60 to 90 seconds, how come the government sat on it's ass for hours when our nation was under attack? There are many unanswered questions and plenty of disinformation and misdirection.

Marketing is the glue that holds together thousands of online money making schemes. These opportunity websites are a diversion for a hidden agenda masked in double talk. Like the names Usama and Osama, I believe that the name Al-Qaeda also spelled Al-Qaida was based upon the most basic marketing principle; AIDA (attention, interest, desire, action.) Obama was a packaged product sold to us by the best advertising and marketing people on the planet.

Don't waste your time searching for feedback about this by reading the opinions of anonymous people online, it's heavily controlled. Send a link to your family and friends by email, Facebook, and Twitter. The media is censored from reporting on any of this, it's up to us to expose what Obama and his "organized community" really represents; Communism...

For the future of America share this story before "we the people" are forever enslaved by corrupt politicians..

Thank you,
Aaron Fleszar

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